Loket Public Library

Jiří JanischCzech Republic

Public library is an open institution, fully automated, subserves the functions of basic library. In 2008 was moved to the reconstructed baroque town hall. Users keep at disposal children and adult department, reading room and 6 internet posts (+ free wi-fi in the whole library). A new part of library is Exposition of bookbindings introducing restored medieval bindings as well as productions of contemporary Czech and foreign bookbinders.

Authority and authority type

Municipality Loket

Title of library in local language

Městská knihovna Loket

Year of completion



357 33 Loket, Czech Republic

Size of library: 

Category of library

Public Library

More info on the building


Architectural idea or principle

KV engineering, s.r.o; http://www.kveng.cz

Interior design

Ing. Tomáš Zadražil, Karlovy Vary

Furniture supplier, extra

Josef Šebek – INTEBO, Zvole u Prahy

Overall Cost

€ 430.000
Front of building: 
Special view outside: 
Special view inside: 
Special departments: 
Reading room: 
Circulation desk: